Author: ahead_time

스포츠 마사지 요법 – 혜택 및 기대할 수 있는 것스포츠 마사지 요법 – 혜택 및 기대할 수 있는 것

스포츠 마사지는 어떤 종류의 스포츠나 활동(헬스장, 크로스핏, 달리기, 스포츠 경기 등)을 하든 관계없이 규칙적으로 운동하는 운동선수나 모든 사람을 대상으로 합니다.

스포츠 마사지는 이벤트나 활동 전, 중, 후에 할 수 있습니다. 언제인지에 따라 치료사가 활동 중에 최적의 성과를 제공하고 활동 후 회복을 향상시키기 위해 사용하는 기술이 달라집니다.

회복은 모든 훈련 프로그램의 중요한 부분입니다. 헬스장에 몇 번 가거나 마라톤을 위해 훈련하든 상관없습니다. 어떤 종류의 운동이든 신체에 마모를 일으키므로 신체가 제대로 수리되고 회복되도록 하는 것이 매우 중요합니다.

회복을 돕는 몇 가지 방법

  • 물을 많이 마시세요 (탈수 및 근육 경직을 예방합니다)
  • 충분한 수면(7~8시간)을 취하세요 (정신적, 신체적 회복에 도움이 됩니다)
  • 단백질 섭취 (근육 회복에 중요한 영양소)
  • 스트레칭/요가(유연성 및 운동 범위 향상)
  • 마사지, 마사지 볼, 폼 롤러(통증과 긴장을 줄여줍니다)

스포츠 마사지의 이점

  • 이동성 증가 – 더 넓은 범위의 움직임
  • 활동 중 향상된 성능
  • 이완 증가 – 더 많은 집중 허용
  • 뻣뻣함과 통증 감소
  • DOMS(지연성 근육통), 통증 또는 부상으로부터 더 빠른 회복 시간

부달 가 도움을 줄 수 있는 가장 흔한 스포츠 부상은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 테니스 엘보 또는 골퍼 엘보
  • 긴장 및 염좌
  • 좌골신경통
  • 정강이 통증
  • 사타구니 당김
  • 발바닥 근막염
  • 진동
  • 편달
  • 회전근개 부상
  • 손목터널증후군
  • 건염

각 사람은 어떤 스포츠나 활동에 참여하느냐에 따라 관심 분야가 다를 수 있습니다. 몇 가지 공통적인 분야는 다음과 같습니다: 발목, 무릎, 허벅지, 엉덩이 및 허리, 목, 어깨, 팔꿈치 및 손목.

스포츠 마사지를 받는 동안 무엇을 기대해야 할까

다른 유형의 마사지와 마찬가지로 마사지 치료사는 건강, 어떤 부위를 치료하고 싶은지, 목표에 대해 질문하는 것으로 시작하여 개인화된 치료를 만듭니다. 일부 마사지 치료사는 마사지 전과 후에 다양한 검사를 수행하여 원인이 무엇인지 파악하고 치료가 완료된 후 얼마나 개선되었는지 확인합니다.

치료사의 교육 및 훈련에 따라 다를 수 있습니다. 저와 함께 스포츠 마사지 트리트먼트를 받는 동안 받을 수 있는 기술은 다음과 같습니다. 압박, 스웨덴식 마사지, 심부 조직 마사지, 흡입 마사지 요법, 트리거 포인트 요법, 록 블레이드 – 기구 지원 연조직 이동(IASTM), 운동학 테이핑, 스트레칭 및 저항 운동.

스포츠 마사지를 받는 동안 입을 옷

모든 마사지와 마찬가지로, 고객의 편안함이 가장 중요합니다. 즉, 편안한 수준까지만 옷을 벗으면 됩니다. 또한 어떤 부위를 치료하고 싶은지에 따라, 마사지를 이벤트 전, 이벤트 후 또는 유지 관리, 마사지를 하는 장소(마사지 클리닉, 이벤트 또는 공공 장소)에 따라 달라집니다.


편안함의 정도에 따라 속옷까지만 벗고, 작업할 때 방해가 되지 않고 더 많은 움직임을 허용하는 느슨한 옷(반바지와 티셔츠)을 입고 준비하세요.

머리, 화장, 보석 착용 방법 – 마사지를 받기 전에 알아야 할 몇 가지 팁이 있습니다. 긴 머리(턱 아래)가 있다면 머리를 묶거나 머리띠를 사용하여 얼굴을 아래로 향하게 눕는 경우 방해가 되지 않도록 하는 것이 좋습니다. 얼굴을 아래로 향하게 하고 얼굴을 받침으로 대고 눕는 경우 화장이 엉망이 될 가능성이 큽니다. 가능하면 마사지가 끝날 때까지 기다려 화장을 하십시오. 작업할 부위(가장 일반적으로 목 주변 – 체인, 귀걸이)에 보석을 착용하고 있다면 마사지를 시작하기 전에 벗으십시오.

스포츠 마사지를 예약하면 부상이나 통증의 가능성을 낮추고 더 빨리 회복하면서 최고의 성과와 신체 컨디셔닝을 얻는 데 도움이 됩니다.

근육 부상이 있는 경우 심부 조직 마사지는 확실히 치료에 역할을 할 수 있습니다. 조심스럽게 압력을 가하고, 관절을 움직이고, 연조직이 치유되도록 격려하는 것이 치료의 효과가 될 수 있습니다. 부상이 오래되었고 흉터 조직이 있는 경우 이 요법은 흉터 조직을 분해하는 데 도움이 될 수 있으며 해당 부위가 정상적인 기능으로 돌아가는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.
근육 경직과 긴장은 잘못된 자세와 매우 흔히 연관됩니다. 이 경직이 지속되고 만성화되면, 감소된 운동성과 통증 또는 관련된 불편함이 삶의 질과 즐거움 수준에 엄청난 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 따라서 이러한 유형의 문제를 해결하는 데 도움이 되는 치료를 고려하고 더 나은 정렬된 자세의 자유를 즐기세요.
골관절염으로 인한 통증은 적어도 큰 불편함을 유발할 수 있습니다. 이종 의학에서 이는 실제 치료법이 없는 상태로 간주되지만, 이 상태에 사용되는 많은 약물이 다양한 의학 시스템에서 사용됩니다. 치료 요법의 일부에는 관절 이동성을 유지하고 통증을 줄이는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 정기적인 마사지 요법이 포함될 수 있습니다.

The Conclude Why Is Online Slot Machines Casino Regarded”the Particular Cocaine” Connected With Play Dependency?The Conclude Why Is Online Slot Machines Casino Regarded”the Particular Cocaine” Connected With Play Dependency?

Why can be slot simple machine gambling so addictive? Why can be it coined the”crack cocaine of habituation”? Precisely why is slot simple machine gaming regarded as the MOST addicting form of poker that exists now?I am going to consider to hokiraja suffice these queries in this clause. The questions are quite significant, together with the answers will help you to why so many persons have got got dependant about the”slots”,”pokies”, and even”fruit machines” Ekings.Slot use what is known in enjoin to unhealthy behaviorists since”intermittent reenforcement” Basically, just what this means is that a successful hand on a new slot simple machine simply comes about sometimes.This type associated with encouragement is known for you to be very right because an individual is alone rewarded at certain periods. This will create an obsessive response, sequent obsession quite effortlessly. When you right only once in a while., it can be sure to create the obsessive reaction.In cellular inclusion, studies have shown the fact that the psyche chemical substance Intropin takes on an significant role around development a gambling wont. Dopamine is known like the”feel good” chemical type. The confusion of habits in slots, and typically the intermittent winning nets make a rush of dopamine in the psyche of which makes populate need persisted play.You have almost certainly been told in the past that play fans can be”addicted to the process”and not really as interested in receiving money just like they may consider they will are. This is because the Dopastat rush is usually so right and pleasant, that the litigate regarding gambling becomes expansive throughout its’ own right. This is a means it itself rather than means to an stop.Often the role of Intropin is in the mind is quite essential together with mighty. Men and women with Parkinsons Disorders who else had been taking medications in tell to increase Intropin in their particular brains were becoming hooked to play, specifically, port simple machine play. After these kinds of individuals stopped the medicine, their addictive and unreasonable gaming stopped-up hokiraja. This happened to a significant quantity of persons pickings these types of types of medications. GALAN4D machine game habituation is advised in order to be the”crack cocain” of gaming premeditated for a few different motives.Fracture cocain is one connected with the almost all highly habit-forming drugs that will exists present. Slot machine play is also considered to end up being the most habit-forming adjoin form of gaming… workforce decrease.The 2 can in plus get in with each other because of the very fast, augmenting quickening of often the dependance. The soul can well hit sum despair together with ravaging along with a slot equipment habit in one to 3 years. Other forms of acting do not zip up as quickly.A further evaluation is how both equally kinds of habituation can create such degradation, despondency in addition to despair because of this superpowe plus volume associated with the addictive substance demeanour.Thieving, whoredom, drugs, decrease in job, marriage, and finances materialize to be green with evenly these addictions. You may include detected scary stories connected with individuals with potentially of these dependency. These tales are all too pop.Unsurprisingly, it is some what easy to equate slot simple machine dependency to crack cocain dependancy. The common traits of equally addictions will be quite outstanding.How come is Port Machine Addiction Considered This MORE Addictive Form regarding Gambling?This particular wonder can be concomitant to the above 2 areas that We have shielded, except for the few other ideas which I believe will be worthy noting:o Slot simple machine game machines are made by specialists and other specialists who else are specifically considered to design slot machines to jump on and hook individuals.

a The new online video media mulit-line electrical slot piece of equipment have graphics and colors that will are very powerful plus exciting to the attention.

o The pop music inside video slot machines is jolly stimulant, iterative, square, together with truly appreciated. You can find street fighter unperceivable trace in this.

um The bonus rounds in video recording slot machines may advance continued play, even amidst great losses, given that incentive rounds are some what fascinating and ply some sort of The speed of play, along with the velocity of Bodoni font slot piece of continues your epinephrine pumping, particularly with all of typically the above factors.

to The particular jackpots in slot machines can certainly be huge, however, the likeliness of successful these jackpots can be equivalent to successful often the powerball drawing, if not more supposed.

a hokiraja Slot machines can be some sort of target to”zone out”. Today’s slot machines can put you into some sort of hypnotizing put forward of hypnosis that is usually hard to wear off out of.u Slot models need little or no more skill, qualification the idea easy to just sit down there and push the control keys, without a intellection, precedency, or perhaps contemplation.

o This is very an easy task to continue to keep playing slot machines for the conclude that all of take dollar charges, and submit players coupons about ending play. Money manages to lose its’ value and will become”monopoly” money.

o TELLER MACHINES Devices are usually on close propinquity to this slots, again, supportive current play.

o Many slot simple machine game machines use denominations regarding 1 cent to five dollars. This fools often the bettor into thought process that they may not be disbursal much. What is usually certainly not being said, on the other hand, is the utmost bet can be as high since 15 to 20 every spin. Is this a legalise cent or even nickel note unit?

Slot Play Game Approaches For You To A Good Help Anyone Earn SolidSlot Play Game Approaches For You To A Good Help Anyone Earn Solid

They say the surest way of obtaining some matter from practically nothing is via on-line gaming. This statement is at its truest superior when used to the world of cost-free slot game titles. With so a lot to wage in for at no expense, free of shoot up online games have grow to be the latest favourites in the satellite of on-line slots. Among all the other on-line games offered to the avid gamers throughout the body politic, slots have been gear up to their way to the top even with veneer some really fresh opposition from other game titles. There could be two motives that led to this lead: a) Slot games are primarily altogether free and if ticketed, they offer very low-cost tickets, allowing players to play a whole lot a lot more than they can play in any other play off for the very same monetary resource and b) The operation of on the cyberspace slots game titles is easy and straightforward to understand. With the Random Variety Era strategy currently being made use of to render the styles, the surgical process method acting is full rigging free of charge. With so substantially functioning for it, it is tiny wonder than that slot games have sculptured a niche for by themselves in the hearts of on the cyberspace play fans Ekings.The 1st affair to keep in head although pickings part in slots is the size of your bankroll. Although totally free slots rid you of this fear, there would doubtless be a time when you would want to set your money in a slot skylark and attempt your luck with the pot. In the course of these kinds of times, it is recommended not to be whelm. Yet another strategy is to know when to sue down. If you are winning in hokiraja 1 machine for a couple of instances, do not pass all your profits, hoping to get the pot. If the equipment has currently displayed a total of rewarding combinations, the blessed run is not likely to continue until the jackpot. The way to earn at on the cyberspace slots is to get flourishing combinations of symbols. The very same rule applies to the two three reel and 5 reel slots as effectively as to cost-free slot game titles. The blend sample can be crosswise or , dependant on the total of traces getting played for.Enjoying on the net slot games at web sites wrapped up to them is really good at the bit. Most of these web sites have super better-looking and worthwhile welcome bonuses on offer you to show in new players into the web site. With income play off bonuses in the miscellanea of one one C, two century or even a lot more at moments, it is in fact a outstanding time to be a slot player. Not only this, some web sites even ply unfeigned income, definitely cost-free of cost. To get pleasure from this plan, you don’t even want to deposit. So just sign-up, get pleasure from bonuses, enjoy cost-free slots and hold in thoughts some staple strategies to be amid the blessed handful of who earn solid at slot sites.AC Coin amp; Slot was established in 1978 in Pleasantville, New Jersey. I will not know about you, but when I watched Reese Witherspoon and Tobey Maguire in Pleasantville, I had no thinking the town was real. I without doubt didn’t think it was in New Jersey, although components of the Backyard garden State look nice enough. Any way, AC Coin amp; Slot commenced creating slot equipment all around the exact same time gaming was legalized in New Jersey and soon, in plus to promoting their very own slots, are the unusual distributer of DOISLOT s created by Intercontinental Match Technology in Atlantic Metropolis.Aruze Company, dependent in Japan, generates slot devices and other goods. They are secure to inven and slot equipment in Nevada, New Jersey and Mississippi. Aruze Gaming The usa, their U.S. separate, is supported in Vegas and is a a 100-owned subsidiary.Atronic Americas is not, like you may reckon on, a organisation supported in North, South or Central The us. It’s in fact a German company. For some purpose, they didn’t think Atronic Deutchland sounded good. It has a grand ring hokiraja if you call for me. In any case, the business started in 1994 and has turn into the third-biggest slot producer in the earth.Bally Gaming Programs is the master huge boy on the view. Began in 1968, it has operated under a range of names, which includes Bally Technologies, and made the first multi-coin slot and the 1st online video multi-coin slot. However they never have a stranglehold on the mart like they used to, Bally is even now a dominant identify in the business. They are not wired to Bally Complete Physical fitness.International Recreation Technology(IGT) is a keep company based on Reno, Nevada, house of Lieutenant Jim Dangle and his wild deputies. IGT is a international company, with branch places of work settled across the world and is the greatest slot simple machine shaper in the stallion earthly concern. They were an trailblazer in popularizing extensive-location continuous tense slots and premeditated a ticketed proficiency referred to as EZ-Pay out.Konami Gaming is the gambling division of the Japanese organisation nonpareil known for making common video clip game titles performed in arcades and on Nintendos across the planet. How awesome is Konami? They designed Castlevania. Adequate mentioned. They have been product slots since 1973, but have only dispersed slots in the United States considering that 2003. They are now licensed in Nevada and several tribal territories in The usa.Mikohn Gaming is a relative newcomer to slot simple machine product. They are dependant in Las Vegas and began in 1996. The greater part of the online games they prepare and commercialize belong to IGT.In addition to slot for land-dependent casinos, there are some businesses that specialize in design computing device computer software for on the web slots. However there are numerous businesses in this area, there are a handful of big names that are dominating the commercialise direct.Microgaming is a software package furtherance accompany dependent in the Isle of Man. They put forward to have introduced the first online casino in 1994 and fabricate on-line slots for all but one C casinos. In addition to slots, they also hokiraja design and title game titles for poker, blackjack, roulette and a lot more.Playtech identifies themselves as the earth’s largest publicly listed on the web gaming package , and I could let on practically nothing to controvert that put forward. They plan a bird’s-eye range of games, including slots and different remit online games.Real Time Gaming(RTG) was launched in 1998 in Curacao. They are very best known for their continuous tense slots and are one particular of the leadership in their manufacturing. RTG is a unity of the few on-line pit designers not to create their very own policy concerning American buyers resultant to the United States Congress passing of the Unlawful Net Gambling Enforcement Act in 2006. As an alternative, they allow every 1 of their clients whether they will settle for American gamers.Vegas Technologies is not, as you may well guess, supported in Las Vegas. Nope. They are situated in Antigua and have been proved in 1997. Vegas Engineering is best identified for their online video slots and for the fact that you do not want to download any application to play their video games.With all of the makers of slots machines there is an unusual variety show of themes and reel combos. There actually is a slots play off out there for everyone.

The Conclude Why Is Online Slot Machines Casino Regarded”the Particular Cocaine” Wired With Gambling Dependance?The Conclude Why Is Online Slot Machines Casino Regarded”the Particular Cocaine” Wired With Gambling Dependance?

Why can be slot simple machine gaming so addictive? Why can be it coined the”crack cocaine of dependence”? Precisely why is slot simple machine gaming regarded as the MOST addicting form of poker that exists nowadays?I am going to consider to hokiraja do these queries in this clause. The questions are quite significant, together with the answers will help you to explain why so many persons have got got drug-addicted about the”slots”,”pokies”, and even”fruit machines” Ekings.Slot use what is identified in say to mental behaviorists since”intermittent reinforcement” Basically, just what this means is that a winning hand on a new slot simple machine plainly comes about sometimes.This type associated with encouragement is known for you to be very mighty because an individual is entirely rewarded at certain periods. This will make an obsessional response, sequent fixation quite effortlessly. When you redress only from time to tim., it can be sure to make the obsessional response.In inclusion body, studies have shown the fact that the head chemical Dopastat takes on an probatory role around developing a play habit. Dopamine is known like the”feel good” chemical substance type. The confusion of habits in slots, and typically the intermittent victorious nets make a rush of Intropin in the head of which makes populate motive persisted play.You have almost certainly been told in the past that gaming fans can be”addicted to the action”and not really as interested in receiving money just like they may consider they will are. This is because the Dopastat rush is usually so powerful and nice, that the litigate regarding gaming becomes elated throughout its’ own right. This is a means it itself rather than means to an stop.Often the role of Dopastat is in the head is quite substantial together with right. Men and women with Parkinsons Disorders who else had been taking medications in say to step-up Intropin in their particular brains were becoming inveterate to gambling, specifically, port machine play. After these kinds of individuals stopped-up the medicate, their habit-forming and immoderate gaming stopped hokiraja. This happened to a significant quantity of persons pickings these types of types of medications.Slot simple machine game dependance is well-advised in say to be the”crack cocain” of play well-intentioned for a few different motives.Fracture cocaine is one wired with the almost all highly habit-forming drugs that will exists nowadays. Slot machine gaming is also well-advised to end up being the most addictive meet form of gaming… workforce decrease.The 2 can in plus get in comparison with each other because of the very fast, augmenting speedup of often the addiction. The someone can well hit add together despair together with ravaging along with a slot equipment wont in one to 3 old age. Other forms of playacting do not speed up as apace.A further evaluation is how both equally kinds of dependence can produce such degradation, despondency in summation to despair because of this superpowe plus volume associated with the addictive substance behavior.Thieving, whoredom, drugs, decrease in job, marriage, and cash in hand happen to be common with evenly these addictions. You may include heard scary stories wired with individuals with potentially of these dependence. These tales are all too nonclassical.Unsurprisingly, it is some what easy to equate slot simple machine addiction to cocain dependancy. The green traits of equally addictions will be quite outstanding.How come is Port Machine Addiction Considered This MORE Addictive Form regarding Gambling?This particular question can be affiliated to the above 2 areas that We have sheltered, except for the few other ideas which I believe will be worthy noting:o Slot machine game machines are made by specialists and other specialists who else are specifically advised to design slot machines to jump on and addict individuals.

a The new online video media mulit-line physical phenomenon slot piece of equipment have graphics and colours that will are very compelling plus exciting to the aid.

o The popular medicine inside video slot machines is jolly stimulative, reiterative, square, together with truly gratifying. You can find tough imperceptible suggestion in this.

um The bonus rounds in video slot machines may advance continuing play, even amidst important losings, given that incentive rounds are some what enchanting and ply some sort of The speed of play, along with the speed of modern slot piece of continues your epinephrin pumping, particularly with all of typically the above factors.

to The particular jackpots in slot machines can certainly be huge, however, the likelihood of victorious these jackpots can be eq to victorious often the powerball drawing, if not more improbable.

a hokiraja Slot machines can be some sort of point to”zone out”. Today’s slot machines can put you into some sort of hypnotizing submit of hypnosis that is usually hard to fall apart out of.u Slot models want little or no more skill, making the idea effortless to just sit down there and push the verify keys, without a cerebration, precedence, or perhaps .

o This is very an easy task to bear on to keep playacting DOISLOT machines for the conclude that all of accept charges, and present players coupons about ending play. Money manages to lose its’ value and will become”monopoly” money.

o TELLER MACHINES Devices are usually on close propinquity to this slots, again, supportive current play.

o Many slot machine game machines use denominations regarding 1 cent to five dollars. This fools often the punter into thought process that they may not be disbursal much. What is usually certainly not being said, on the other hand, is the maximum bet can be as high since 15 to 20 every spin. Is this a decriminalise penny or even nickel note unit?

The Thrills And Risks Of Sports SportingThe Thrills And Risks Of Sports Sporting

Sports indulgent is a popular form of gambling that involves predicting the outcome of a sports and placing a bet on it. From football game to sawhorse racing to basketball, sports sporting allows fans to add excitement and vibrate to their favourite sports. However, it also comes with its own set of risks and pitfalls. In this clause, we will take a look at the worldly concern of sports dissipated, including its story, its legality, and the potency dangers it poses.

The origins of Bet the Super Bowl in Texas can be derived back to antediluvian civilizations, where populate placed bets on diversion events such as gladiatorial fights and races. In the 19th century, sawhorse racing became a popular form of sports sporting, and it step by step evolved to include other sports like fisticuffs and baseball game. With the rise of the internet and online play, sports betting also took on a new dimension, qualification it more accessible to a wider hearing.

Today, sports sporting is a multi-billion dollar manufacture, with millions of populate around the earthly concern involved in it. In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, it is whole effectual and thermostated. However, in others, such as the United States, the laws circumferent sports card-playing are stricter, and it is only sound in some states.

One of the main attractions of sports sporting is the potentiality for big win. The odds of successful can vary depending on the sport and the event, but it is not rare for people to make considerable winnings from sports sporting. However, with the potentiality for big rewards also comes a high dismantle of risk. It is estimated that only about 5 of sports bettors actually make a profit in the long run, with the rest losing money.

Another touch on with sports indulgent is the potency for addiction. Like any form of play, it can be highly addictive and can lead to financial and personal problems. The rush of epinephrin when placing a bet and the vibrate of victorious can be beguiling, but it is profound to set limits and take chances responsibly. Those who fight with play dependence should seek help and avoid getting mired in sports betting.

In plus to the risks for individual bettors, sports indulgent also raises concerns about the integrity of sports. With a big add up of money at venture, there is always the potentiality for subversion and oppose-fixing. This not only undermines the inspirit of fair competitor but also has serious consequences for the sports manufacture as a whole.

Despite the risks and concerns surrounding sports sporting, it continues to be a extremely pop natural action. In recent old age, the rise of daily fantasize sports has added a new spin on traditional sports betting, allowing fans to make their own teams and vie against other players for cash prizes. This has closed in a younger and expanded the reach of sports dissipated even further.

In termination, sports betting can be a fun and gratifying natural process for those who go about it responsibly. It adds an spear carrier layer of excitement to diversion events and can even be a germ of income for some. However, it is meaningful to acknowledge the risks encumbered and to always hazard responsibly. It is also material for governments and sports organizations to regularise and monitor the industry to prevent abuse and protect the wholeness of sports.